Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Womanhood And The Need For Its Celebration...!!!

‌On the occasion of woman's day I have come to realise that in this particular month there is so much hue and cry about being a woman and celebrating womanhood. What I find hilarious is even women seem to enjoy this whole "celebration" as such.
‌When I think about why there is a need to celebrate womanhood I feel maybe there are parts of India where it needs to be celebrated. Where people need to be told that being a woman is a thing of happiness and pride. But, for a girl like me who grew up in an atmosphere where what is menstruation cycle was explained to me by my dad with the help of diagram in detail I don't think it's necessary. My parents never differentiated between my elder brother and me on the basis of our gender. We both learnt how to ride a motorcycle at the same time. We were both taught how to cook because cooking has got nothing to do with being a woman... It's about being a human. We were raised with all the essential life skills, which developed even further when both of us started living away from home. There were times when I would reach home tired from office and my brother would be waiting with a steaming supper ready to be served. And there were times when I have changed light bulbs, carried heavy bags, picked my brother up late at night or even fixed broken machines. Both my parents have played an instrumental role in raising us as equals.
We (women)don't want the society to give us a  reserved seat in a bus or train. It's a luxury and not a need. We don't need a job reserved for women, we can earn it on merit. We don't want special protection and special laws, we just want the society to treat us with respect and care like any other human being.
Instead of organising functions and making a huge celebration only for a day I would be glad if that same amount of money and efforts are put forward for ensuring that female foeticides are stopped. I would be glad if they are used for the education of a girl child where they are not allowed to study just because they are girls.
I cannot stress enough on this fact that a day isn't enough for us woman to celebrate our womanhood... It takes a lifetime. And it is my humble request to all women to stop trying to be equal to men... Ladies we were not created to be equal to men... We were created to be different and special in our own charming way...!! And if we realise this fact we will be so much better off!
So let's just enjoy every day of our life. And not be bothered about whether our "womanhood" is protected and celebrated by others. 

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